Managing neonate complications


  1. Newborn brain development, plagiocephaly, ADHD and Aspergers, substances and effects of other drugs on the newborn - Dr Simon Rowley - parts 1 and 2

1. Newborn brain development - part 1 (40 minutes)
Dr Simon Rowley

Managing neonate complications - part 1

2. Newborn brain development - part 2 (39 minutes)
Dr Simon Rowley

Managing neonate complications - part 2

Managing neonate complications

Seminar held 18 May 2018.


Marion Hunter Advisor, PHARMAC Seminars, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery - Auckland University of Technology

Invited speaker

Dr Simon Rowley,  Consultant Paediatrician, Auckland DHB

These presentations are provided for professional development purposes for the benefit of qualified health practitioners and should not be relied upon for any other purpose. Any opinions offered are those of the presenter or other speaker and do not necessarily represent the views of PHARMAC. PHARMAC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided.